Green for Planet

Our Green Building Showcases

As an advocate of green building, we excel at designing and operating our buildings with green and sustainable features and we align our projects with international green building standards and requirements. The properties highlighted below epitomise our comprehensive green building design approach.

Henderson Metropolitan, Shanghai

Henderson Metropolitan has obtained TRUE Platinum certification. While we are developing green building and advocating the concepts of low carbon, we take a step further to create a harmonious ecological environment. This is exemplified by our zero waste efforts in the property with a waste diversion rate of 91% from July 2021 to June 2022.

We were delighted to be awarded the ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management Systems Standard, which reflects our contributions to reducing energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions so as to reduce the impact on the environment, thereby demonstrating our commitment to continuously improve energy efficiency.

The project also saved nearly 40 tonnes of carbon dioxide through energy-savings and low-carbon transformation measures, with these efforts being recognised by local government bodies in Shanghai.

H Zentre

As the first development in Hong Kong that is centred around wellness and health, this 340,000-square-foot commercial complex seamlessly combines innovation and sustainability and embodies an innovative dining, wellness and retail trade mix within a one-tower development. Distinguished by a diverse mix of smart fixtures, green elements and lifestyle amenities, H Zentre is a paragon of modern comfort, efficiency and convenience.

We are more than delighted that it is the first project to achieve BEAM Plus (New Buildings) v2 - Final Platinum Rating. Other accolades include WELL Building Standard – Gold Pre-certification, LEED (Core & Shell) - Platinum Precertification, "International Innovative Energy Project of the Year" by the Association of Energy Engineers, USA as well as listed as finalist in Green Building Awards.

World Financial Centre, Beijing

Following its achievement of LEED v4 Platinum certification (Building Operations & Maintenance: Existing Buildings) in 2020, the property has recently attained the Parksmart Pioneer certification. Parksmart is the world’s only certification system designed to advance sustainable mobility through smarter parking structure design and operation. It complements LEED and other certifications and is administered by Green Business Certification Inc. (“GBCI”). This recognition is a true testament to the Group’s focus on innovation and sustainability, motivating us to keep driving positive social and environmental change for years to come. In 2022, we revamped the carpark to enhance users’ experience and incorporated elements of smart and sustainable living, with newly-introduced features including:

  • Promoting a green community

- Priority parking and EV charging for carpool or vanpool customers

- Metro line maps and bike parking guides in public areas

  • Energy saving

- Use of LED lighting in parking spaces to reduce the use of electricity

  • Smart facilities

- Smart autopay system for carpark users to enhance hygiene, minimise contact and improve operational efficiency

We aim to make an even greater impact and therefore set a goal to require all of our new office development projects to achieve a BEAM Plus Gold rating or above. As the years went by, the impact of our commitment became evident. We have worked tirelessly to cumulatively achieve hundreds of sustainable building accreditations. Over 95% of our developing projects[1] in Hong Kong are registered or provisionally certified with BEAM Plus. Meanwhile, there has been a significant increase in the number of certified areas within Goodwill's managed properties[2], exceeding half of the managed areas. As we continue our journey towards a sustainable future, we remain dedicated to pushing the boundaries of green building practices and making a positive impact on the communities we serve.

[1] Refer to the projects that are included in the "progress of major development projects" section for Hong Kong business in the Annual Report 2022

[2] Refer to the majority of properties owned by the Group and managed by Goodwill, and have a significant share of portfolio’s energy consumption

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