Vision &

Our 2030 Sustainability Vision has four primary drivers: Green for Planet, Innovation for Future, Value for People and Endeavour for Community, which align with our commitments to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). For each of these drivers, we have pinpointed key areas that we intend to focus our efforts on and maximise our impact by 2030.

G.I.V.E. Strategies

Green for Planet

Building a Green Portfolio: Reducing our impact on the environment
Focus Areas:
  • Climate Resilience: Adopt smart and climate-resilient building designs to enhance the adaptability of properties to the adverse effects of climate change
  • Environmental Impact: Reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of our business model

Innovation for Future

Shaping a Smarter Future: Creating a smart built environment enabled by innovation and technology
Focus Areas:
  • Technology Innovation: Create new ways of living and working with technology
  • Social Innovation: Innovate to better serve our stakeholders and enhance living quality

Value for People

Creating a Caring Culture: Being a caring employer who looks after our people and our partners
Focus Areas:
  • Health & Wellness: Ensure the health and well-being of stakeholders through our building designs, operations and services
  • Our People, Partners and Customers: Actively engage with our people, partners and customers to address their needs

Endeavour for Community

Establishing a Liveable Community: Providing a more liveable environment that enhances well-being and quality of life
Focus Areas:
  • Sustainable Community and Liveable Community: Enhance the living standards and proactively address stakeholders’ needs
Targets & Performance

Our progress is reviewed using targets that are specific to each focus area as they relate to our own operations.

Upwards and Onwards

In aligning with 2030 Sustainability Vision, we have renewed our energy targets to cover the majority of properties in Hong Kong and mainland China Portfolio.

Hong Kong Portfolio
BY 2030
Energy Intensity in kWh/m2 total GFA (Base year: 2019)
Mainland China Portfolio
BY 2030
Electricity Consumption in kWh (Base year: 2021)
Progress against Energy Intensity Reduction Target by 2030

Hong Kong Portfolio

  • Actual
  • Forecast
Progress against Electricity Consumption Reduction Target by 2030

Mainland China Portfolio

  • Actual
  • Forecast
Sustainable Building Certificates
  • BEAM Plus and BEAM
  • WELL
  • LEED
  • China Green Building Design Label
  • China Healthy Building Design Label
  • China Green Building Label
Total Training Hours

Increase total training hours per employee by 15% by 2025 from 2020 base year

Digital and Smart Building Feature Adoption
For all new projects
Adopt digital and smart building features at 100% of our new office and commercial development and 90% of our residential development by 2023
Customer Satisfaction
Conduct regular customer satisfaction surveys and maintian a high customer satisfaction rate each year

(Covering properties managed by Goodwill, Well Born and Hang Yick)
Total Service Hours
Contribute over 80,000 service hours per year

(Contributed by Henderson Warmth Volunteer Team, Goodwill, Well Born and Hang Yick)